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Coaches: Keon Furtch, Pamela Furtch, Sam Hollenshead, Courtney Jackson, Jeff Nut, Beau Gallihan, Matario Earls


All players who are members of the NSA understand playing basketball demands tremendous commitment and dedication to the game and their team. Likewise, parents make great commitment and sacrifice for their sons/ daughters to play with the team. Playing for the NSA is a privilege not a right. As NSA players and parents, we understand and agree to follow the contract:




Player Responsibilities

  1. All players will treat officials and opponents with dignity and respect.

  2. All players, regardless of ability and/or playing time are equal members of the team. Each and every player will treat all teammates with acceptance, respect, and friendship.

  3. All players will provide maximum effort in practice and games.

  4. Attendance at all practices, team meetings, and games is mandatory. While injured players may be unable to play, they are still expected to arrive on time, listen to coaches, and encourage teammates and assist the team.

  5. In very rare situations, players may be excused from games and/or practices. When a conflict occurs, players are responsible for informing the coach verbally through a phone call or meeting at the earliest possible time.

  6. When players miss practices and/or games, playing time in future games may be affected.

  7. Players are to be on time for all practices and games. Tardiness may affect playing time in games.

  8. Players are expected to directly seek understanding and resolution when questions or problems arise with coaches and teammates.

  9. Players will conduct their personal lives in a manner that brings honor to themselves and the team. This in includes school performances, self-respect, healthy behaviors and social responsibility.

  10. Players will participate in the raising of money needed to sustain the needs of this basketball program, regardless of the amount of playing time given.



Parent Responsibilities

  1. Parents will treat players, coaches, opponents, and officials with respect and dignity.1.

  2. All comments by parents and their guests from the sidelines will be encouraging and/or complimentary. Parents and guests will refrain from making comments about players’ mistakes or errors.

  3. Parents will refrain from making derogatory comments to referees at any time.

  4. Coaching basketball is to be done only by coaches in staff only. Parents agree to refrain from coaching or directing their child or other players during all games and practices.

  5. Parents will discuss player and/or team concerns and problems directly with either Mr. or Mrs. Coach Furtch. These discussions will not take place right before or after a game. A meeting will be scheduled with the either Coach to address any issue or concern. During the meeting, playing time and comparisons to other players will not be discussed. Remember, it is not the five best players. It is the five players that work together the best!

  6. Parents will make sure their son/daughters attends all practices and will be on time (Call a coach if you need a ride ahead of time to make arrangements).

  7. Parents will support coaches and encourage their athlete to do the same.




Playing time is based on effort and ability shown in practice as well as attending practices and maintaining good academic standing. Every attempt will be made to get player playing time that will contribute to the success of the team; however, this is a non-equal playing environment. Players who are concerned with playing time need to speak with the coaches


NSA Booster:

Any parent that is willing to help with raising funds or have good ideal can be apart of our booster.  Booster club will be in charger of bake sales, team functions, fund raising etc. Really need positive parents on board to achieve a great experience for our kids.


Things we will need

Copy of Birth Certificate

Team Fee:

Wavier Form:

Signed Contract:

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